Video of the week: Caterham proves its qualities as a winter-car

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I am fully aware that my sense of time has wandered off a bit lately, and I apologize for the consequences that has had on the timewise implications made by the name "video of the week". Maybe I should call it the "Video of the random time frame when I feel like posting a video" section in the future. Oh hell, I'll just call it "video of the week" for the simplicity of it. So here goes.

The fellows at Evo did a fine thing a while ago. They took one for the team, strained themselves in the cold of France, fought the bleek boredom of spending hours and hours in luxury hotels and wrestled a yellow beast in the mountains, just to provide us average people with some entertainment.

What they did was put a Caterham Supersport through its paces. Not just on the track as usual for a Caterham, but in the snowy French mountains, thus proving the Caterham's qualities as a proper winter-driver. No? No, That's just silly. But in any case very ballsy and envy-inspiring. I'd love to do that for a living.

Every now and then I ponder how those legitimate car-journalists schemed themselves into a paid job drifting a Caterham around in the French mountains. That's my version of Nirvana, Heaven or whatever you want to call it, so if any editors are reading: I'll do it for free!!

Now, watch this man have some proper fun and note the face at the end; we carlovers are just overgrown children after all:

For more of these Evo diaries visit 
You jelly? Sure you are!

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