Possibly the greatest idea ever. Period.

Hello readers!

It's been a long time since I wrote something about an actual car... This due the fact that I simply ran out of cars even remotely interesting to write about, and nobody wants to hear about my mother's VW Passat, that's for sure.
Now how to get a hold of something interesting to write about? How to escape the lurking mundanity of merely reciting half-interesting car-news and posting pointless crap from the 'tube? There's my dilemma, tighter than a fat man's blouse, and I couldn't seem to solve it. Until now.

Last night I came up with the perfect solution. A solution that allows me poop-loads of fun and the right to act like someone who has failed to understand social norms. And here's the great part; no-one will even see me as an asshole because I'm doing it for the sake of automotive journalism. What could possibly be better?

So hear me out. You know those people who go to car-dealers and test-drive nice cars with no intention of buying whatsoever? In every-day slang they are called assholes. And I'm going undercover as one, an asshole among the rest. Except it's okay at some level. In the process I'm going to reiview Finnish car-dealers who are good guys and respectively assholes, based on my customer-experience. That's what I'd call a win-win-effin'-triple-win situation for the world!!

The mental image of me in a Porsche dealership asking for keys is just absurd enough to be laughable, and just stupid enough to be doable.

Now let's see how many people will lend me, an 18-year old teenager with spots on his face, their Porsches and BMW's! I pity the salesmen who have to face that decision, some guaranteed hilariousness in store.


Good idea? Your thoughts on this "project" in the comments-section please!

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